Ando há uns tempos a tentar escrevinhar alguma coisa sobre o fim do comunismo e sobre o elemento essencial deste mundo pós-comunista que reside no “comuna reciclado”. Quase todos os que governam a Europa lá andaram em maior ou menor conluio, durante mais ou menos tempo. Compreender o que é que mudou nas suas mentes e que reformulações dos seus quadros conceptuais sofreram, é o grande trabalho para os sociólogos dos próximos vinte anos.
Peter Hitchens foi mais esperto e foi observar o fenómeno macro, onde o pós-comunista não é uma casta governante, mas uma nação. Conhecedor da realidade soviética, Hitchens traça com mestria o retrato da “wasteland” comunista que propiciou a entrada e predomínio na cultura russa dos mais baixos elementos da cultura ocidental, a massificação e ganância.
Deixo-vos algumas citações, na esperança de que leiam a totalidade do artigo. Para que o povo nunca esqueça...
"Partly thanks to us, partly thanks to the horrible moral consequences of totalitarian socialism and the near extermination of God by systematic commissars, the new Russia is a lawless snake pit. It is dominated and populated by men stripped of morality by more than 70 years of cynical Leninism. But though the new rulers are the products of Marxism, they lack its driving purpose—or any real purpose except the gaining and keeping of wealth and power.
So Moscow, once the sacred heart of world Communism, has become a sort of Babylon, the most exhilarating, tasteless, and expensive city in the world, where you can procure anything for money and the nasty negative charisma of gangsters and spivs is on constant display. I cannot think of any other advanced capital in which you can see, side by side, all the manifestations of modern civilization and the symptoms of anarchy—ostentatious bodyguards, fenced-off compounds."
"And I remembered coming back to the West, full of optimism, in 1992. And then I remembered seeing, year by year, in my own country and the U.S., new versions of all these subtle horrors: the “children’s rights” movement that encourages denunciation and sets children against their parents, the shoving of infants into daycare from an incredibly early age, the need for two salaries to pay the basic bills, the epidemic of divorce, the pandemic of abortion, the growing spiteful rage against faith. I saw all around me the construction of a system of thought that dismissed conservative, individualist points of view as intolerable and pathological. I saw public servants, academics, and broadcasters having their careers ruined—and in Britain being questioned by the police—for expressing incorrect opinions. Private life, in the modern West, is now becoming significantly less free than it is in post-ideological Moscow. "
Etiquetas: Comunismo e Socialismo
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